Working with your AMC

The most critical element in a successful relationship between an association and an association management company is communication. Good communication between association volunteer leaders and AMC personnel is essential for the AMC option to work. A few key points to consider are:

  • Understand the management agreement you are signing with an AMC.
  • Understand the costs associated with the management agreement. Recognize that AMC’s make significant investments in their operations in order to provide quality services to the associations they manage. These investments include space, furnishings, supplies and technology.  They also include significant investments in staff which include training, benefits and providing competitive salaries in order to attract and retain good employees. These investments are what you are paying for. Don’t forget, AMC’s are for-profit businesses.
  • Understand the scope of services you are agreeing upon.
  • Get to know the AMC staff who will be providing the services to your association. Have a thorough understanding of the functions and responsibilities of each of the staff members.
  • Sometimes, contracting with an AMC means the roles and responsibilities of the volunteer leaders will change. Take the time to clearly delineate the roles and responsibilities of the volunteer leaders as they relate to the AMC staff.  Create written job descriptions.
  • Develop clear work plans for all association services and initiatives. Be ready to meet deadlines. Often the work of volunteer leaders and staff are dependent on one another. The success of your association delivering on quality services depends on both volunteers and staff working together.
  • Include the AMC management staff in your decisions around policy, strategic direction and association programs and services.
  • Encourage staff input.
  • Communicate organizational goals and strategic direction.  Your staff can't help you get "there" if they don't know where "there" is.
  • Be clear on your expectations of AMC personnel.
  • Address performance problems, concerns or any other issues that may affect the relationship between the association and the AMC with the AMC President only. Don’t wait and let issues grow. Address concerns immediately. The AMC can’t address the problems if they don’t know the problems exist.
  • Treat AMC staff in a professional manner at all times.
  • Schedule annual reviews with your AMC staff and the AMC President. Reviews should assess the programs and services provided and whether any changes or modifications should be made.
  • Allow the AMC to do a presentation to all new board members annually at a board orientation session to provide information on the above points and the relationship the association has with the AMC.

Working with your AMC is a team effort. Volunteers and AMC personnel need to work together and communicate regularly to ensure all association services are provided in a timely, efficient manner. It’s that team effort that gives members the ultimate membership benefit.


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